It's a Frassled Life
I've had some complaints. It's a well known fact that lack of blogging is a sign of lack of love and is excusable only when love is being displayed elsewhere.
Well to reassure all you people who fear I've ceased loving them: not even 30 minutes ago I bought a percolator. This is an obvious sign of love to my flatmates who don't really like coffee. To further emphasize my love to them I've also made it easily accessible by placing it by my desk in my room.
I have no recent pictures to put up here because frankly Ottawa is pretty ugly in the spring time. The snow's melted leaving a very bleak, dead and waterlogged landscape. Instead I decided to include here a picture of Glasgow Uni with a Canadian flag:
Life has been pretty hectic, I need to write an article for a local Newspaper advertising our church and make it interesting (our Church is very interesting but I'm not sure why, it just is - like chipmunks.) I also have to write a biography for my Church site, so far all my attempts have been excessively flippant, cynical and verbose which as you all know is quite against my nature. As with all things I blame this on Andy Simpson and my new percolator.
I'm also giving a sermon this week and have to prepare the first proper study for Christianity Explored for the Sunday. Did it Sunday just gone and it seemed to go reasonably well, showed a clip from Talladega Nights (the Baby Jesus prayer) as an example of the preconceived images people have of Christ. At least three non-Christians (wait that's un-PC so: Seekers, Heretics, mundies, Earthlings, pick yer poison) in attendance along with quite a few members, not what it was designed for per se but doubtless still worthwhile.
The percolator was a bad idea, I've got a stomach ache, I'm having trouble blinking and my hands shaking. It occurs to me now that my tea is decaf and the coffee I bought for this isn't, which means having gone cold turkey on caffeine when I got to Canada I've just had 4 cups of intensely strong coffee... one more can't hurt though...
Labels: Ramblings