Monday, May 29, 2006

The Gall

Having considered a number of other blogs it has come to my attention that the primary requirement for a blog is an unwitting element of pretension. While the humblest among us might attempt to avoid this with self-derision or a decrease in intellectual or jargon based content it is my intention to avoid this by removing the unwitting aspect of the pretension. The pretension comes from the delusional belief that we have a right to voice our opinion and the sudden realisation that we actually have a means to do this as well. True our audience might only be a few friends and some sad people typing random stuff into Google but our voice is heard nonetheless.

I would first and foremost like to point out that I have no authority to air my thoughts in the echoing halls of my empty site, I have no right and so far no overly novel opinions or eureka moments to share that are of any worth to anyone within the acknowledged clique that will read this. Only the means to ramble and the will to do so motivate true bloggery from my eductated* position on the matter.

So the question I pose is not so much is blogging a waste of time because we're all well aware that nothing that draws attention to people as wonderful as ourselves is ever a waste of time. Nor is it whether reading blogs is a waste of time that would then render the creation of blogs a waste of time and to that I would reiterate the above point. The true question is if pretension and egotism were to be removed from the event would that decrease the amount of cynicism I could direct at these practises?

*I've read at least half an article on about five other blog sites.


Saturday, May 27, 2006


Apparently I’m a website coordinator for the GUCU website. Theoretically this shouldn’t be news to me, I vaguely remember being told this, possibly even volunteering for it much to my amusement about a year or so ago. I find it even more amusing that I have only just discovered this because I found out when, for the first time in a year I actually posted on the forum (I left after the Fingers, Andy and Qwibble clique were pushed off their/our ranting turf many many moons ago, to be replaced by… well never mind.) I find this new/old identity of mine an entertaining prospect given that I am probably the only person to ever fail the uni IT Basic Competency test - A testament to why you shouldn’t assume you’ve attached the right file while engrossed in My Name is Earl.

Finding myself in a position of authority for which I am entirely incompetent fills me with one of those elatory tingly feelings. The resulting empowerment has given me the delusion that my opinions, thoughts and considerations are of some sort of importance. You might argue that I have always had this type of empowerment but there are rare times of clarity when I see the truth of it and have console myself with a long rambling daydream or simply a look in the mirror. This time however I’ve decided to start a blog because of the lingering effects of my irrelevant authoritarian position insist on placating the primal human desire for even our most inane thoughts to be heard.
